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lIII.-Alternative Ending
When Abigail arrived at Gregory’s side, he takes the decision to tell him the truth about how she’d got there; she knew that her secret could not be kept for long time. She was afraid that Simbad will be charged for keeping her secret, but she was more worried to surrender him again.
Abigail started to tell Gregory the truth to expecting his forgiveness and then they could continue their great love. She had always been honest with him, but Gregory’s reaction hadn’t been as her expectation, because he was really angry with her; he thought that she had found another way to be together.  He asked her a moment to be alone while he was thinking about the situation.
Abigail told him that she understood him, so she decided to left him alone and walk around to clarify her thoughts because she had many doubts.
After that she decided to look for Sinbad because she wanted to have an option in case that Gregory wasn´t forgive her.  When she arrived at Sinbad’s, she never imagine to found Gregory there, she was very surprised and she asked him, “What are you doing here?” Then Sinbad told her, “please take it easy and try to understand”.
Gregory asked Sinbad if he can give a moment alone with Abigail. Then Gregory started to talk about his feelings, so he said “Abigail when you told me the truth I really felt offended, I never imagined that you would do that.
Abigail told him “But, please try to understand me!!!  And Gregory answered her, “I understand you, and I know there are things to do for love”.
Abigail was very happy because she had thought that Gregory had forgiven her, she told him “thank you for forgive me”.
And then Gregory answered her “Yes, I forgive you”; in this moment Abigail thought that Gregory and her would live together forever and ever. Suddenly, Gregory takes Abigail’s hands and told her “No Abigail, if I forgive you, doesn’t mean that we’ll been together again”.  She asked him “Why we wouldn’t be together again?”
So he answered her “Because, I fell in love with someone! And I hoped you understand me”.  Abigail was very confused about what Gregory was saying. She asked him “Who is she?”
In this moment Gregory saw her while he walked to Sinbad. Then Gregory takes Sinbad’s hands and said. “I love you Sinbad”.
Abigail was terrified and she asked both, “What happened here?”
Sinbad answered her “Please calm down, Gregory came to me talk about you and me and suddenly we realized that it was love at first sight”.


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